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About Lurker.tv

Lurker.tv is a website which provides tools to streamers and viewers which want to be part of a community.

Lurker.tv enables you to invite our verified Discord Bot which brings you some amazing features

  • Give everyone a LIVE role on your server which is currently Streaming to Twitch
  • Write messages to a Discord channel when someone goes live
  • Everyone live (configurable based on activity) will be shown on the Multi-Twitch Link you receive via the ?lurklink command
  • When you watch on Lurker.tv you will earn points / a rank in the Discord you are enganging.

  • Other Features from Lurker.tv

  • Show the real-time Follower count on Twitch
  • Shows you a "What to Stream" section which shows a ranking of games based on their streamer to viewer ratio.